

The basic principles of the Oleofat Quality Department are based on the following pillars:

  • Achieve 100% satisfaction of its customers´ expectations by offering a quality product and service.
  • All its raw materials are measured under established quality standards and each supplier must comply with these quality standards.
  • Relationships with its customers and suppliers are characterized by an open cooperation and communication. We are committed to responding with enthusiasm and professionalism to any demand made.
  • To take care of each phase of its production process from the entry of raw materials to the sale of the final product
  • Promote sustainability and traceability in your work.
  • Involve the Oleofat team in this commitment
  • Commit to continuous improvement to achieve its quality principles.
  • Achieve leadership in our sector with new bets and commitments
Oleofat generates a high quality product tailored to the needs of each customer.

The key to its success and growth lies in the attention to these pillars during each and every phase of its production process, from the purchase, relationship management, transport, treatment, research, sale, delivery of the final product and staff commitment.


Oleofat has a cutting-edge laboratory integrated into our facilities that stands out for being equipped with complete and sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment. This enables it to carry out the main analyses required by customers: acidity, K-F humidity, insoluble impurities, metals, fatty acid profile, FAME, MAG/DAG/TAG, saponification index, iodine index, among others.

Its laboratory´s staff is composed of highly trained chemists and technical personnel with extensive experience in the sector who establish strict quality control of raw materials, intermediate products and final products that enter and leave its facilities.

We provide suppliers and customers with a service designed to analyze samples in order to provide them with the best waste recovery strategies and in turn contribute to promoting the circular economy. This ensures the quality of the products and satisfies each customer´s specific demands.

We generate a high quality product tailored to the needs of each of our customers.

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